Monday, December 15, 2014

Party Zone Vogosca

In October this year PartyTimeBH opened a new and different place for parents and children Party Zone in Vogosca, WOG center, 2nd floor. It is a large space with new concepts catering to children's creativity and imagination.

Every Monday at 6PM there is a Lego club, first Lego club in Bosnia. Children get different assignements with a certain amount of blocks with which to build.

Every Tuesday 6PM there are music workshops, where the children learn all about the beat and rythm while playing different instruments.

From January we will start organizing coding school for little ones every Wednesday 6PM. More information on the FB page

Every Friday at 6PM we have a Little Parenting School, going over the most important subjects that concern the parents. Some subjects include early education, dealing with temper tantrums, stages of moral reasoning etc.

Starting in December there are workshops organized every day with a focus on making holiday greeting cards, ornaments for the Christmas tree, Santas, snowmen, and much more.

14.12. and 21.12. at 11AM we are organizing Breakfast with Santa, with pancakes and hot chocolate.

PartyZona organizes new things all the time and all the new events will be announced on the PartyZona FB page.