Wednesday, September 8, 2010

aerobic, step aerobic, tae-bo,spine training

My name is Adrienne Wolf from Hungary.
I am living in Sarajevo with my family.
I am a physical education and biology teacher and aerobic, step aerobic, tae-bo, preventive spine an bodyArt trainer.
I have 15 years experience to give training.
As my son in the kindergarden from Sept. and I found a good located trainig room in the heart of the city. I would like to invite everybody who wants take part in an inspiring spine training.
Location: Mjedenica 52., Sarajevo, Prana yogastudio
Time: Monday, Wednesday 10.30
Starting date: 22.Sept.2010.
Contact: 387-61-57-68-65
If you interesting in, I am looking forward to seeing you.
Best regard,