Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Personal experience: Ilidza/Jezero/Kosevo hospitals

LOCAL HOSPITALS (Ilidza, Jezero Children's Hospital)
First I want to tell you, that we are in the Bosnian health system, so we can not go to every doctor we would like to. We have to go where we are sent .

Our responsible hospital (for Alina) is in ilidza. The doctors and nurses are kind and work quite professionally. Only problem is that the injections are all separate (18), in germany we get 6 injections in 1 (hepatitis, mums, …). Only 1 doctor (he seems to be from india) is unkind and 1 time I really wanted to make a problem, because he told alina, that she shouldn't cry.

If these doctors are not sure, they send us to the jezero-hospital near kosevo, the special children-hospital. There we had been 1 night, because alina vomitted 10 times. After 2 hours waiting, they sent us home. Another boy, he “only” vomited twice, got an infusion, because he was the son of the vice-president. On the way home Alina got sick again and we drove to the hitna-pomoc (first aid) in grbavica. They told us Alina needed an infusion and that we would have to go to jezero-hospital. I told them, that we were coming from there. Alina was dehydrated and they gave her (normally forbidden) the infusion. The next day we had to go again to kosevo-children-chirugie. They inserted a catheter into her bottom to help in clearing her intestines, then sent us back to the jezero-hospital, but with my private car, Alina was on her back in her mother’s arms. They wanted to open her stomach to look for the problem. But the chief of the doctors decided not to open her.

After 1 night in the chirugie (no bed for the mother, only a chair) we had to go to the other department for infection. There they wanted to take alina for 3 days for observation because the results were going to take that long. I saw that my little one was in so much fear, that I decided to take her home on my own responsibility. The next day we went from 1 to the other hospital for checking. Alina got herself better and we hope, that this situations will never come again. (Submitted by Volkmar Koch)